ᐈ 🤩 1 Million Means | 1 Million Meaning | 1 Million in Rupees, Lakhs and Crores | Very Large Numbers | 1 Million is equal to...

1 Million Means | 1 Million Meaning | 1 Million in Rupees, Lakhs and Crores

1 Million Means


million - mil-yuhn - /ˈmɪljən/

What does 1 Million Means?

Million is a number equal to 1 followed by 6 zeros


1 Million is the product of thousand and thousand

ie 1,000 * 1,000 = 1,000,000.

The word “million” is derived from the early Italian million (milione in modern Italian), from mille, “thousand”, plus the augmentative suffix -one. It is abbreviated as m.

1 Million in figures = 1,000,000

1 Million in numbers = 1,000,000

Total zeros in million = 6 ie 2 sets of 3 zeros

1 Million in scientific notation = 1 * 106 = 106

1 Million in roman numerals = M

International and Indian Numbering System

Ten ThousandTen Thousand10,000
Hundred ThousandLakh100,000
MillionTen Lakh1,000,000
Ten MillionCrore10,000,000
Hundred MillionTen Crore100,000,000
Ten BillionTen Arab10,000,000,000
Hundred BillionKharab100,000,000,000
TrillionTen Kharab1000000000000


1 Million in Lakhs

From the above table, 1 Million in International Numbering System is equal to 10 Lakhs in Indian Numbering System

i.e 1 Million = 10 Lakhs

1 Million10 Lakhs
2 Million20 Lakhs
5 Million50 Lakhs
10 Million100 Lakhs
25 Million250 Lakhs
50 Million500 Lakhs
100 Million1000 Lakhs
250 Million2500 Lakhs
500 Million5000 Lakhs
999 Million9990 Lakhs

1 Million in Crores

From the above table, 10 Millions in International Numbering System is equal to 1 Crore in Indian Numbering System

i.e 10 Millions = 1 Crore (or) 1 Million = 10 Lakhs = 0.1 Crores

1 Million10 Lakhs0.1 Crores
2 Million20 Lakhs0.2 Crores
5 Million50 Lakhs0.5 Crores
10 Million100 Lakhs1 Crores
25 Million250 Lakhs2.5 Crores
50 Million500 Lakhs5 Crores
100 Million1000 Lakhs10 Crores
250 Million2500 Lakhs25 Crores
500 Million5000 Lakhs50 Crores
999 Million9990 Lakhs99.9 Crores

1 Million in Rupees | 1 Million Dollars in Rupees

For money conversion, we need to do following 2 steps

Step 1: As we already know that, 1 Million in International Numbering System is equal to 10 Lakhs in Indian Numbering System (1M = 10L). So, convert given millions into lakhs

Step 2: Multiply Step 1 - Lakhs with current dollar rate.

Lets understand this with examples

a) 1 Million in Rupees | 1 Million Dollars in Rupees

Step 1: Converting million to lakhs ie 1 Million = 10 Lakhs

Step 2: On 1st-Jan-2021 1 USD = 73.092 INR

So, 1 Million USD = 10 Lakhs * 73.092 = 730.92 Lakhs INR = 7.3092 Crores = 7,30,92,000 INR

Hence, 1 Million Dollars = 7.3092 Crores Rupees

b) 10 Million in Rupees | 10 Million Dollars in Rupees

Step 1: Converting million to lakhs ie 10 Million = 100 Lakhs

Step 2: On 1st-Jan-2021 1 USD = 73.092 INR

So, 10 Million USD = 100 Lakhs * 73.092 = 7309.2 Lakhs INR = 73.092 Crores = 73,09,20,000 INR

Hence, 10 Million Dollars = 73.092 Crores Rupees

1 Million is equal to

1 Million is equal to 10 Lakhs

1 Million is equal to 0.1 Crores

1 Million is equal to 0.001 Billions

1 Million is equal to 0.001 Arab

1 Million is equal to 0.00001 Kharab

1 Million is equal to 0.000001 Trillion

1 Million is equal to 1,000 Thousands

1 Million is equal to 10,000 Hundreds

The Word "Million" in Example Sentences

1. It was the million dollar question.

2. Land on Mars, a round-trip ticket - half a million dollars. It can be done.

3. There are hundreds of millions of videos on YouTube.

4. Helium is present in the atmosphere, of which it constitutes four parts in a million.

5. Compared with 90.5 million sq.

6. They sell 100 million gallons of crude oil annually.

7. I have five million dollars.

8. If you won a 1 million dollars, what would you do?

9. There are more than millions of apps on playstore.

10. At least a hundred million websites are out there.

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What comes after Million?

Billion is equal to 1 * 10 9