😁 😭 Nepotism | Nepotism Meaning in English

Nepotism meaning in english | Nepotism | Nepotism meaning

Nepotism Meaning


Nepotism - nep.ə.tɪ.zəm

The term originated from Italian word nepotismo, which is based on Latin root nepos meaning nephew.

What is a Nepotism?

Favouritism(favouring and supporting) shown to relatives or friends by those with power or influence to get good jobs/projects or unfair advantages.

Nepotism is a form of favoritism which is granted to relatives or friends in various fields like jobs, IT, judiciary, film industry, entertainment, sports, software industries, arts, politics, business, religion and other activities. The term originated with the assignment of nephews to important positions by Catholic popes and bishops.

Nepotism has been criticized since the ancient times by several philosophers, including Aristotle, Valluvar, and Confucius. For instance, the ancient Indian philosopher Valluvar condemned nepotism as both evil and unwise.

Nepotism is a form of discrimination in which friends or relatives are hired for reasons that do not necessarily have anything to do with their experience, knowledge, or skills.

Nepotism is not new in the society we inhabit, everyone deep down knows that it exists in every field of work.

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Some examples of Nepotism

1. We do not follow nepotism in our family.

2. Nepotism is common in film industries.

3. I never support nepotism, because it stops new talents.

4. He was accused of nepotism.

5. There is no place for nepotism in our organisation.

6. Nepotism is common in politics, judiciary, business, the film industry,...

7. Nepotism is a disease, which cannot be transmitted but can only be inherted.

8. Nepotism is the lowest and least imaginative form of corruption.

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